samedi 26 février 2022

Recording some guitar tracks with a backing track

I'm documenting here a few tricks I'm using to record guitar tracks.

I'm learning with the great Yousician app, running on my Android phone, which provides a huge library of popular tracks. So from time to time, I'm recording my rendition on the guitar.

I'm recording with a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2, on which the guitar is plugged, as a USB sound card. Then, I'm using Audacity on GNU/Linux to record the audio input from that Scarlett over USB. I'm usually using Jack for doing so.

The backing track being played by Yousician on the Android phone, I'm plugging the phone to the Scarlett with a male-male jack cable, which I plugged to a diameter changer Jack adapter (the scarlett has only 6.5 mm jack).

But as the Scarlett will only record mono from its jack, and the phone plays stereo tracks, I need some more conversion. I have then purchased a a jack adapter that is not only a diameter changer (3.5 to 6.5 mm), but also a stereo to mono adapter.

But the sound rendition of that passive stereo to mono conversion by the adapter is crappy. But there's an option in Android that allows to convert stereo sound to mono sound, from the source. It's in the accessibility features, and can be used by Yousician, hopefully. The end results is not so bad : mono input from the guitar plugged on one of Scarlett's inputs, and another mono input for the Yousician backing track on the second Scarlett input.

I just have to normalize, mix the two in Ardour, and voilà, I have my recordings.

dimanche 6 décembre 2020

Offsite backups to from an Asustor NAS

I have an Asustor (Nimbuster 4 / AS5304T) NAS at home, which allows me to perform regular backups. Unfortunately, I couldn't manage to find a way to configure remote backups from the NAS to using the "Remote Sync" option of the "Backup & Restore" app provided in the  […]

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dimanche 26 mai 2019

Premiers essais avec le kit VAE GBoost Bike V6 monté sur un VTC Nakamura


J'ai acheté récemment un kit permettant de transformer un vélo ordinaire en Vélo à Assistance Électrique (VAE), le GBoost bike (V6/2019 version "Gold"). J'ai fait une 15aine de kilomètres ce matin avec, et voici mes premiers retours. Le kit fonctionne plutôt bien, et le "boost"  […]

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lundi 31 décembre 2018

Retiring from Debian

I've not been able to contribute much to Debian for years, and it seems my free time and energy is mainly dedicated to family duties (and fun) these days. I've then just announced my retirement as a Debian Developper. I'll try to stay a contributing user and promoter, but will no longer feel guilty  […]

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lundi 31 octobre 2016

Avis de décès de René Berger

Je publie le présent avis sur mon blog, en attendant une parution dans la presse dans les prochains jours. Marie-Hélène Berger, son épouse, Olivier et Philippe Berger, ses fils, et leurs conjointes, ses petits-enfants Clément, Antoine et Louise, les familles Lys, Cassou, Dulout, Patron, parents et  […]

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mercredi 10 décembre 2014

Réparé les hauts-parleurs d'un portable HP dv6000 en échangeant deux nappes internes

Les hauts-parleurs internes du portable HP de mes parents, un dv6000, ne marchaient plus : plus de son sans devoir mettre des enceintes ou un casque :-( En fait, il semble que ce soit un problème classique, qui semble causé par des nappes de connexion internes deffectueuses. La réparation n'est pas  […]

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dimanche 29 décembre 2013

Touchpad side scrolling enabling in gnome flashback

For whatever reason, the touchpad right edge would no longer allow me to do scrolling (like the usual middle wheel on the mouse) under the gnome flashback session in Debian testing. Here's a way to make it work :  […]

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lundi 28 octobre 2013

Closed my LinkedIn account

I've just closed my LinkedIn account, in reaction to the recent announcements on their ill behaviour re. their user's data (in particular emails). Even if I didn't allow my mail to ever pass through their servers, I think I've been their product long enough. If I ever am looking for a job in the  […]

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